Season 1, Episode 3
Dirty Little Word Called Diversity

In order to adhere to political correctness, each organization is now required to establish a complete administrative department solely dedicated to draining the enthusiasm of every employee and undermining the professional growth of individuals who even consider mentioning the phrase “slender Christian Caucasian male.” Diversity is driving a wedge Right through the sole of America.
Biden / Mayorkas fueling the next Terror Attack on US Soil
Season 1, Episode 11 Mayorkas - Biden Fueling The Next Terror Attack on US Soil It is evident that the policies implemented by Mayorkas regarding Immigration screening, along with Joe Biden's substantial spending on defending other countries' borders, are...
Unmasking DEI
The DEI framework, known as Diversity Equity and Inclusion, is often criticized as a rebranded version of Marxism, specifically Marxism and not socialism. It poses a significant challenge to the core principles of American society,