Howard Zinn, a shipyard laborer who participated in World War II, became well-known for his book “A People’s History of the United States” published in 1980. Recently released FBI documents suggest that Zinn was involved with the Communist Party of the United States of America. Despite being considered a Marxist historian and a champion of progressive causes, Zinn may have misled the FBI regarding his affiliation with the Communist Party. It is perhaps not unexpected that an individual who distorted historical facts would also align himself with controversial political ideologies.

The book “A People’s History of the United States” offers a Marxist perspective on American history, highlighting the challenges faced by various social classes and the exploitation they faced. Despite facing criticism for its perceived bias, Zinn boldly stated to the Times, “While it may not provide a neutral account, does that really make a difference? Viewing history from the perspective of the marginalized and oppressed reveals a completely different story.”

Zinn spent 24 years teaching at BU, during which time he had a contentious relationship with the university’s authoritarian president, John Silber, who did not support Zinn’s radical political views. Zinn detailed his conflicts with Silber in his Boston Globe column, highlighting Silber’s consistent refusal to grant him salary increases.

It is common for a Republican elected official to attempt to prohibit Zinn’s work. In the past, former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels requested to have his books banned from educational settings. In 2013, emails obtained by the Associated Press revealed that Daniels had expressed joy over Zinn’s death from a heart attack. Daniels referred to Zinn as an “anti-American academic” and criticized his book, ‘A People’s History of the United States,’ as being full of misinformation about American history.

More than 100,000 teachers are using this radical publication’s lessons and materials, potentially impacting around 2.1 million students with its deceptive information. 

Howard Zinn’s incorporation of anti-American sentiments into a fictional thriller novel is already troubling. Still, the fact that educators are now utilizing his distorted views in their lesson plans takes the situation to a new extreme. Zinn’s book, A People’s History of the United States, contains quotes central to the radical left’s agenda. By highlighting the numerous massacres of nonwhite individuals in American history, Zinn aimed to challenge patriotic sentiments and shed light on the deep-rooted racism still present in the country. Additionally, Zinn references socialist Eugene V. Debs in advocating for overthrowing capitalism and establishing a socialist America. Debs famously proclaimed, “The sun of capitalism is setting; the sun of Socialism is rising.” This ominous prediction appears closer to reality than either Debs or Zinn could have anticipated.

The Zinn Education Project’s socialist propaganda concerns those who understand its potential negative impacts. However, young students exposed solely to pro-socialist ideas may need to be open to considering alternative economic systems. By linking capitalism to racism, class conflict, and inequality, this ideology may eventually fade away, leading to a catastrophic future where communism reigns supreme and poses a threat to all. If freedom is extinguished in America, a country known for its liberty, it will crumble, and the destruction of symbols of freedom will have irreversible consequences on the world.

The promotion of the Green New Deal and the depiction of the United States as an evil nation serve as strategies to critique capitalism and freedom. Individuals who endorse these notions usually align themselves with communist and Marxist ideologies. Hence, as a conscientious American and parent, I urge you to sign this petition.