Articles by Drew Stephens

Weaponization of Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory Comes from Critical Theory a lot of people are leaving out. Designed to target a new Bolshevik Anyone that has been oppressed by American Institutions CRT advocates say are Racist.

Ban Howard Zinn Publications from our Schools

Howard Zinn’s Book “A People’s History of the United States’ Is a Social Propaganda Learning Curriculum that is being used by more than 100,000 Teachers and infecting more than 14,000 School Institutions around the country. Help Ban this harmful publication from our Schools.

7.2 Million illegal Immigrants Unleashed!

Since President Joe Biden took office, more than 7.2 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States. This unprecedented border crisis is not a natural occurrence; rather, it is the result of deliberate policies, substantial funding, and agreements between the U.S. government and the United Nations and US Funded NGO’s. IT’s disgusting! Joe Biden is a Traitor

Our Congressional/Subcommittee Hearings

It seems that Congressional Hearings, subcommittee Hearings, and Congressional Subpoenas are being disregarded. The Democrats’ habit of filibustering, dodging questions, or simply avoiding the hearings altogether appears to have become a national trend for the party.

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