Our Republic is Facing two Challenges

Over the last four years, our country has endured significant turmoil and an alarming rise in malevolence during Joe Biden’s administration. Instead of tackling these challenges head-on, he has chosen to embrace them. The president’s primary duty is to safeguard our nation, yet he has permitted the unchecked flow of fentanyl from Mexico and Canada and has opened our borders to over 17 million illegal immigrants, resulting in chaos and a lack of accountability for federal agencies. Meanwhile, the FBI has targeted those who uphold Christian values and concerned parents. This decline, which has been ongoing since the 1820s, has intensified under the leadership of Clinton-Gore, Bush-Cheney, Obama-Biden, and Biden-Harris, driven by ideological subversion, and even worse bureaucracy. 

I established this site to confront these pressing issues of the evil and bureaucracy. Biden has consistently demonstrated himself to be a fraud, a crook, and a racist, which has compelled me to take action. American Up, stands united with the rallying cry “Get UP, STAND UP, AMERICAN UP.” Our logo, which represents the thirteen colonies alongside an eagle, pays tribute to my service in the Marine Corps’ 1st Division at Camp Pendleton. As a veteran, father, and citizen, I firmly believe that education and awareness, rather than violence, are the keys to combating harmful ideologies. When necessary, it is our courage and honor that can help restore our fading values, heritage, and beliefs. American Up is dedicated to raising awareness about this covert war that has been waged since the 1820s. I invite you to join me in this crucial battle against the leftist, Leninist-Marxist agendas that are infiltrating our nation in our societal frameworks of our institutions, our legal system, education and, attacking our core family values, our history and what it means to be an American. 

Featured Episode

Joe Biden’s SOTU Driven By Fear of Trump!

Biden continues to lie to the American People. His lies are outlandish and continue non-stop

Season 1, Episode 1

Cultural Marxism A Dangerous Movement Part 1

Cultural Marxism A Dangerous Movement Part 1

Cultural Marxism poses a severe threat to America. Despite attempts to dismiss it as a mere conspiracy theory, it demands our attention. Understanding its origins and impact on our country is crucial.

Dirty Little Word Called Diversity

Dirty Little Word Called Diversity

The word Diversity is being used as a mousetrap! There is no way we can accommodate every aspect of the definition; of Diversity! Where do we draw the line folks? Diversity is a Dirty little word being used by BLM and a bunch of Marxists to attack the very foundation of this country! Where do we draw the line??

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